Equipment List
400 Ton 2022 Shibaura Electric Press x2
80 Ton Krauss Maffei x1
200 Ton 2022 Shibaura Electric x2
250 Ton 2022 Shibaura Electric x2
85 Ton Cincinnati Milacron x1
165 Ton Cincinnati Milacron x1
220 Ton Cincinnati Milacron x1
400 Ton Cincinnati Milacron x1
700 Ton Cincinnati Milacron x1
850 Ton Ube x3
Cumberland Recycling x3
KMAK Group has multiple machines that can handle a variety of projects! Our full range of advanced equipment and technology enable us to be an all-encompassing manufacturer. We use the newest equipment and technologies in our plants and in the field, to produce superior products and parts. Our skilled team members apply their expertise to every project. As experts at both on- and off-line assembly, we can meet your needs no matter the complexity. If you have needs for injection molding, plastic recycling, assembly, distribution, or 3D design, we have you covered! Contact Us today to get started.